Friday, September 6, 2013

Puzzle Perfect

I was putting a puzzle together with my daughter and began thinking about how every piece in the puzzle is equally important. Though it's not an original thought, I began to liken us, people,  to the pieces in a puzzle. They support each other in completion of the whole picture/puzzle. Every single piece in a puzzle is different from the others, though they may seem similar , they are individually unique... I know that this observation has been made before, as previously noted, it just became more evident to me at this point for some reason. I think everyone has a divine role. I subscribe to the thought that all things are connected, like the pieces of a puzzle. I feel we are all connected to the all, the all in this point, being the puzzle, i.e. the universe.  We as a whole contribute to the all/universe. We all play our part and each part is just as important as the next. No one is better than, more important than the next and no one is certainly less than the next. Everything and everyone has a place perfectly divine in this perfectly divine world......Breathe in 1,2,3 breathe is all in how you look at situations and it really is that simple.  You probably already know this but how often to really live your life with this thought in mind. I strive to be the example i want to see. ........I feel these words in my core being, "that no one holds more weight than anyone else all of us are valuable".  Once we grasp and digest that fact and begin to respect that fact we can come to balance as a whole. We can began to respect, love and honor one another. We will then want for others that which we want for self with the understanding that what we all want at our essence is the same, "Love".Increase the LoveMichele Madiaon

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