Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love and Attachment

Often we feel our actions are spurred from the love we feel but could it be that it's just attachment. Love and attachment are separate and have nothing to do with the other. If you love someone you will love them rather in a relationship or not, it's love. Love has no parameters. I had a friend to share something with me maybe three years or more ago. I asked if he had ever been in love. He responded he didn't know if he had but he knew for sure that he had been attached. I thought..........mmmm, interesting. I had at this point in my life never heard such a response. He went on and explain that, he felt feelings of attachment led him to act in the way he did during the relationship and once he had separated from his ex. He was use to hearing her voice, seeing her and spending time with her. He missed that interaction with her more than her really. We are creatures of habit and their relationship was for lack of a better word had become "Habit". In attempt to "work it out" they would see each other from time to time but once they came together he would realized why they were ex and not current lovers. At that time, they truly weren't compatible and it was obvious. Neither of the two were up for expansion. There core issues were still there and no matter what they tried they soon returned to feelings of unhappiness. They weren't able to make the relationship work. I do think that by his definition of love he didn't love her and maybe she didn't either. They had to many rules in place to many "if you love me you would........" to allow love to flow. They were existing with each other close hearted. Basically living in fear of what the other would do if they let love flow in or out. Love is always available though and you can choose to give and receive it. However it has truly nothing to with habit or behavior. Attachment, jealousy, anger, fear, hurt, sadness, frustration, control, pain, manipulation, etc................ those are words opposite of love, stagnating the full expression of our love . Most cases we love we just don't allow. Love isn't the reason you do or don't do something it's gonna be there regardless, you are the reason. Allow and I say strive to love without attachments to certain outcomes. 

Increase the Love 
Michele Madison

Friday, September 6, 2013

Puzzle Perfect

I was putting a puzzle together with my daughter and began thinking about how every piece in the puzzle is equally important. Though it's not an original thought, I began to liken us, people,  to the pieces in a puzzle. They support each other in completion of the whole picture/puzzle. Every single piece in a puzzle is different from the others, though they may seem similar , they are individually unique... I know that this observation has been made before, as previously noted, it just became more evident to me at this point for some reason. I think everyone has a divine role. I subscribe to the thought that all things are connected, like the pieces of a puzzle. I feel we are all connected to the all, the all in this point, being the puzzle, i.e. the universe.  We as a whole contribute to the all/universe. We all play our part and each part is just as important as the next. No one is better than, more important than the next and no one is certainly less than the next. Everything and everyone has a place perfectly divine in this perfectly divine world......Breathe in 1,2,3 breathe is all in how you look at situations and it really is that simple.  You probably already know this but how often to really live your life with this thought in mind. I strive to be the example i want to see. ........I feel these words in my core being, "that no one holds more weight than anyone else all of us are valuable".  Once we grasp and digest that fact and begin to respect that fact we can come to balance as a whole. We can began to respect, love and honor one another. We will then want for others that which we want for self with the understanding that what we all want at our essence is the same, "Love".Increase the LoveMichele Madiaon

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

And still a Dream

I had some flash back thoughts bout this guy..........
Some people are just special and he's one of those people. As i think bout him i have to smile.
I remember the very moment i met you. I can do better than that the very moment I saw you. I knew what you knew then and felt what was to be.  I wanted to get to know you just as much as you wanted to get know me. I noticed  you swimming around like a shark, waiting for the right time to approach me. I wasn't just any girl to you. I was "That Girl". To catch this beauty every thing had to be considered, I suppose that's what you were thinking,haha..  The opportunity came and you slid right into my conversation. We laughed, talked and danced what seemed like literally hours, how cliche is that......It seems as if i knew you from my past. You said the right thing and entered my Dream.  My Dream, i dreamed to be the happiest you can be, to share my life with my love in a way know one else dared. To just be and loved truly just for me and it's not a fantasy. Anyways that's enough and that dream is over. I have moved on but I have not forgotten a thing about this man.  And Still I Dream

Michele Madison

Monday, March 18, 2013

Be True To You..........

 "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE" a famous quote that we all have heard of or at the least something of the sort, was written by William Shakespeare. "Know thy Self " another well known quote penned by Socrates. The latter actually came first. The entire Shakespeare quote which is from the play Mcbeth stated by Polonius goes like this  
"This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day,Thou cant not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!"  This quote has many interpretation. My interpretation goes as follow: In life above all things, one should be aware of self. To the point that it is clear to you who you are and not questionable by others.  Own your truth for the sake of the fact that you are false(fake) if you do not live it. Keep it one hundred with yourself and you will never be false with anyone else........You owe yourself that! I have a few questions to ponder. Where do you stand when it comes to your truth? Do you live your truth? Do you know your truth? Do you know that which is true? Do you expect truth but don't live in truth? That last question i ask because I think to often we lie to ourselves and expect the truth from others. We want others to give us something we're not willing to give them not to mention give yourself. I really don't like it when someone is asking me to give them something that they aren't not willing to give me , like wtf. Who the beep are you. Anyways.....Living your truth allows you to live a life free of deception.  Understand i get it, if you lie to you then you for sure will lie to me. When do we stop looking the other way. Pretending that the people around you don't see you on some level. That's an issue. When do we honor our word? Whats wrong with saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Is that a bad thing? Self Awareness is everything, it is literally is golden. Who are you? Can you say that you are true to thine own self? Only you know the truth of that for sure

Increase the Love

Michele Madison

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What i didn't know

What I didn't know

What i didn't know about me and where i thought i was in reference to dealing with a relationship. Well i'm not as grown as i thought. ....... i mean, I've still got some issues, lots of work to do. Imma have to worked them out before i dive into any type of relationship or so I thought.  I've repeatedly said that i didn't want a traditional relationship and by that i mean if and when i got into a relationship it wouldn't be built like typical relationship and its typical bullshit and yes, I've always got something to say.......bla bla blab blab. SO! Wow!!
 I was in this relationship like thing, right.  I hadn't even thought about the fact that it has been a while since i had been in a relationship so was i in for some new shit but i didn't know. How could i have known that i was or wasn't ready?  I haven't been in a relationship to test my theories out. My feet are hurting from these brand new shoes and man the same ole relationship bullshit blues is some real bad news. It's not only the same ole, it's also some new b.s. in addition too. The games are way to hard to figure out and as I have said before if life is like the game chess i'm screwed cause i suck at chess. At any rate, I got up to bat and went all in. I flat out struck out!  I thought it honesty would work. It didn't, only to created more insecurity, more questions, more probability and more fear. How funny is that.  We weren't really relating which was the whole point of the relationship like thing in the first place. I couldn't take no more, so i jumped out just as quick as i jumped in. In the end I was lied to and come to find out I was lied to in the beginning......smh. .. We really never had chance. Damn it! I just can't win.