"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE" a famous quote that we all have heard of or at the least something of the sort, was written by William Shakespeare. "Know thy Self " another well known quote penned by Socrates. The latter actually came first. The entire Shakespeare quote which is from the play Mcbeth stated by Polonius goes like this
"This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day,Thou cant not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!" This quote has many interpretation. My interpretation goes as follow: In life above all things, one should be aware of self. To the point that it is clear to you who you are and not questionable by others. Own your truth for the sake of the fact that you are false(fake) if you do not live it. Keep it one hundred with yourself and you will never be false with anyone else........You owe yourself that! I have a few questions to ponder. Where do you stand when it comes to your truth? Do you live your truth? Do you know your truth? Do you know that which is true? Do you expect truth but don't live in truth? That last question i ask because I think to often we lie to ourselves and expect the truth from others. We want others to give us something we're not willing to give them not to mention give yourself. I really don't like it when someone is asking me to give them something that they aren't not willing to give me , like wtf. Who the beep are you. Anyways.....Living your truth allows you to live a life free of deception. Understand i get it, if you lie to you then you for sure will lie to me. When do we stop looking the other way. Pretending that the people around you don't see you on some level. That's an issue. When do we honor our word? Whats wrong with saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Is that a bad thing? Self Awareness is everything, it is literally is golden. Who are you? Can you say that you are true to thine own self? Only you know the truth of that for sure
Increase the Love
Michele Madison
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