Saturday, August 14, 2010

Be Quiet

Sometimes it's better to just be quiet, to be silent. So much is gained in silence. What you maybe seeking is more often than not reveal when you are quiet. Vibration wise you are apt to receive more and clearer.Your very own voice is like white noise blocking your reception. So what you are seeking to know you can't receive. Everything is a vibration. In order to hear, feel, touch, smell or see a vibrational translation has to take place by your brain. So if you are sending out a vibration, talking, you can see how you can interfere with the reception of another vibration. They do happen simultaneously, i mean talking and hearing but being quiet, lets just say is more effective and efficient.

When you are having a conversation with someone, you  get to hear everything that is being said and you get to feel everything that is not. Though it sometimes feels like you need to speak doesn't  necessarily mean that you should speak. You just might miss something important, while you're thinking to speak. The ear that you offer while listening gives the speaker the opportunity to hear just what they are saying. Those words to the speaker magnify and can allow he/she to gain a better sense of clarity for self sometime. The words that you are listening to really get to sink in and permeate your thought and possibly finds there place in your reality. If there was something you needed to take from what was being said, you heard it loud and clear uninterrupted. So much is revealed about you when you are quiet. If you are honest with yourself you will notice that you grow in a downstream fashion as a person when you are quiet.

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