Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's what ever

                                      It's What Ever

I haven't been blogging lately and though i want to and feel as if i should, i haven't. I guess i had some ummm more important things to do with my time then sharpen my writing skills, express what i'm feeling and share my world. Yeah, whatever Michelle, sure you have,lol.  So here it goes. I'm writing with nothing really to say. I've been gossiping more lately about others of course. It wouldn't be gossip if was about me or would it,lol........  But any who what's up with these dudes that allow women to take care of them, where's the pride in being a male, that sh*t is not sexy, for real though. I'm just saying........later for that b.s.  I guess the opposite of that question is; What's up with these women taking care of these grown ass dudes, what's really going on? Ladies your need/desire for control and power gone so far you have attracted a man that you can control. Maybe there is some penis envy in this equation, idk......Believe it or not he runs to you for authorization of his whole life,lol. Ladies, ladies, ladies ya making it hard for us women, who prefer men to be men, men who thrive on the feeling of being a provider and that like to take of their women. I mean, the natural roles of man and woman are shifting and that's cool, i guess but how do we maintain balance if everything between man and women is becoming more and more gray. Are we as women losing our natural/innate feminine essence through this evolution? Are our men losing their natural/innate masculine desires in the process as well? I mean, I'm not saying that that is a bad thang..... i'm just saying. Balance is everything, feel me. I've always heard that a man gets his motivation to excel, to achieve greatness, get money and mo money from the need to provide for his family. Ladies if your income exceeds your man, Great! however he is still a man. Allow him to be a man and provide, be your rock, take responsibility for your home. Of course by all mean use your feminine wise, your softness, your love  and woo him into having your way. There's no competition ever, all situations can be a win win. I'm sure you can come up with something, *wink wink*, be creative.

Mz. MadiSun

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Big Vent

 I'm usually not one that really likes to vent so openly, usually it's among friends,lol.  It's whatever though, i feel like sharing in this way, today. So here goes, .......I'm really an open forth coming individual. I share me with those that are in my life. I trust, value and appreciate my close love ones because it's logical to me to able to be 110% real with those i surround myself. Otherwise why be around them if i can't give all of me. Cause "it's whatever"....... Really there's nothing to be afraid of  to me by being forth coming, it's freedom. I figure what's the worst thing that could happen have information about me that i will admit to. Whoops there goes the power struggle, nothing to be held over my head. I'm not ashamed about who i am and what i do. Now  i am selective about who i let into my life, simply because everyone isn't a good fit for me. Now my issue at the moment is with people who claim to be open, free, it is what it is, go with the flow people that get all choked up and stifled but carry on as if they are not. Like i can't feel it, really........ Everything about them isn't so go with the flow "ish" all of a sudden. The vibe halts and the flow stop, now it isn't what it is anymore it's something else. It's feels more like control than anything and or maybe resistance. I really don't know, i'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist but what  i do know, a shift happens. May be we don't owe anyone anything however common consideration is a nice thing, though. So, when the shift happens, if you're really not feeling going into something or desire to change your position that's fine but why not share that. Why not just say you're not feeling going in a certain direction anymore or you're uncomfortable about the the current situation in reference to you. Share your concerns what's the worst thing that can happen.I'm more than willing to do that, i think it save time and energy. Otherwise it feels like a person isn't being sincere or lack of a better word, playing. I'm sure i have room for growth, maybe i should look at being more allowing, less judgmental, release the need to control how some else communicates and just be more loving in general. I'm a work in process and this is a journey.

Friday, August 20, 2010

In A Moment


                                                      IN A MOMENT       


*dedicated to Mikaya Michelle-Lee Stokes*

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Be Quiet

Sometimes it's better to just be quiet, to be silent. So much is gained in silence. What you maybe seeking is more often than not reveal when you are quiet. Vibration wise you are apt to receive more and clearer.Your very own voice is like white noise blocking your reception. So what you are seeking to know you can't receive. Everything is a vibration. In order to hear, feel, touch, smell or see a vibrational translation has to take place by your brain. So if you are sending out a vibration, talking, you can see how you can interfere with the reception of another vibration. They do happen simultaneously, i mean talking and hearing but being quiet, lets just say is more effective and efficient.

When you are having a conversation with someone, you  get to hear everything that is being said and you get to feel everything that is not. Though it sometimes feels like you need to speak doesn't  necessarily mean that you should speak. You just might miss something important, while you're thinking to speak. The ear that you offer while listening gives the speaker the opportunity to hear just what they are saying. Those words to the speaker magnify and can allow he/she to gain a better sense of clarity for self sometime. The words that you are listening to really get to sink in and permeate your thought and possibly finds there place in your reality. If there was something you needed to take from what was being said, you heard it loud and clear uninterrupted. So much is revealed about you when you are quiet. If you are honest with yourself you will notice that you grow in a downstream fashion as a person when you are quiet.

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Let Gooooooo"

I've been hearing more and more people saying "Let Go and Let God". All types of people, it's like the new hot thing to say... I'm just wondering, are you doing it? or Are you just talking to be heard. Do you really know what it really means to let go? Do you know how to let go or even how it feels? Are you really laying your burdens down, sort of speak. or are you....... like using that phrase cause it sounds good at the time. Come on, are you allowing the energy to flow or trying to tweak(control) it just a lil bit. Are you releasing needs and wants to the Universe/Creator and leaving it up to the Universe/Creator to provide.
It sounds simple and like it's some thing easily done, but is it really? Trusting that your intentions,desires, needs, etc. will be delivered means that you really have to let go, step back out of the energy and allow the energy to flow thus allowing universe/creator to handle it. True enough it's simple but probably only to those who have gain a certain level of knowledge that allows them to trust what they know and their faith to the point, that they know what ever it is they are seeking, it will be delivered beyond a shadow of a doubt.Those who know this will secede. Questioning the gift is out of the question. Once evidence is seen, being able to let go happens more easily and freely with every submission. The Universe/Creator desires for you to have what you want.
Most of the time we worry and simply don't allow. Worrying signifies a lack of trust and fear that what you desire want be fulfilled. What generally happens as an example, take a child that's asking for something from his/her parent. The child repeatedly ask the parent for that desire mostly because he/she feels like the parent may not give it to he/she because may be he/she doesn't deserve it, he/she doesn't believe that it will be given even though the parent response, is will give it to you hold on, or that the parent forgot about what was asked because the child may feel that he/she isn't important. Ultimately fear is the reason that blocks the receipt of what is desired. If we were to put what we want into the universe by simply asking then allow and trust that the Universe/Creator knows the best way of acquiring it, we could get the results faster. Releasing control( which is absolutely necessary)of  how things flow and the particular details such as the whats and the whens we assist in the process. It's sort of like a child that knows his/her parent will do what is asked and patiently waits for it to be provided. The more that the child is shown that he/she can have what it desires, the more trusting and patient the child becomes,but the child must trust thus must be patient as well. However,we suffer from a condition, it is called "being human" and humans worry, control, fear and doubt. All of which go against letting go. So if you are really desiring to let go and let God, if I may suggest, you might wanna work on letting go of the other blockers first which will lead to you being able to love more and fear less.    

Friday, July 16, 2010


IT IS MY WAY, PERIOD.......Nope, there aint no way imma be able to see another point of view on this particular issue. I do me. I'm the best qualified person to do so, I do believe. I don't harm or hurt anyone, i do not manipulate the will of another. I am responsible for me and i take full responsibility for me. I accept my rewards and or consequences for my action. I'm aware of the laws of the universal and i listen and strive to follow my intuition. I know MY right from wrong. My lifestyle works for me. My journey is just that, mine. I get to choose. I'm not asking anyone for permission to do anything that concerns only ME. I'm not asking for approval. Who does that?  I'm so grown, i call myself a grown ass mf'ing woman. My issue is that I have recently noticed that some of the people in my life feel as if they get to decide my life for me or at the least, that they know whats best for me. Whats crazy they sometimes get attitude if i don't do what they want, wow.  Last i checked, as i some what noted before this is MY Journey. It's my perspective that I'm here to experience life as i choose. Thus, my perception on this subject is that, It's really is all about me. Question is where did that concept I'm here to please someone other than me come from. When did it become a way of life that grown folks need permission from another adult any way or that someones know best for me outside of me. It's not that it's straight out stated,  it's unsolicited. It is in the action and it's sort of an assumed position one takes and uses subtle ways of manipulating their will with judgment, which to me shows a lack of consideration and appreciation of the person that they are deciding to direct/help though no one asked for help.Their intentions maybe to help but most often they hinder in more ways than one because it's not their journey to direct, thus possibly taking one off their journey. Often this interference causes confusion. Not to mention, again nothing was requested. Some cases, the unrequested interference wont be appreciated, wont be viewed as info that could potentially help because most are not open to it. Also, some know their path . Some though will submit to the imposed as well as the self imposed pressure, that they feel, lack of knowledge of self allows this, which creates lost will and that's another topic.
I could understand in the case of children or minors, they do needs adults input more often than not,but adults. Woo woo, come on, Grown men and women? if I am correct not only do I have free will but every being as well. I mean.... really though,Why do so many people really feel as if they can tell another to do anything unasked. How presumptuous is that? Why take that position? Why would anyone feel that their way for them is the way for me or anyone else. How egotistical is that...........Get a life. Step back, redirect the mirror, and take a look at self. My beliefs is to not violate any ones will. It goes against the universal law to manipulate another will. I allow. Now please note,I wouldn't not have a problem with a suggestion/guidance, if i asked. That's the catch!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is Selfish really jus Self Love

I gotta talk about the words "selfish" and "self love" . I strongly feel that the word selfish is being overly abused, misused and treated so unfairly. It's been given a bad rep and being used as a tool for manipulation. I don't think there is anything wrong with being selfish(having self interest) because it's one in the same as love of self i.e. self love(having self interest). Let me explain my point of view. I think most of us don't truly operate from a place of self love and are almost afraid to. I recently had a conversation with a girlfriend of mine about self love. Which is why I'm now sharing with you. As I was saying, I was sharing with her that i had not be very loving to self for years. I'm a natural giver and I give tremendously, until there is no more to give. Through the years, what I was doing was not being fair to me, though. I thought about the sacrifices i had made opting to do for others and not myself, which led me to feelings of resentment towards love ones. I realize I gave more to them than I was giving to myself and then became bothered that they weren't doing the same. It was my fault, of course. I had a choice in the process. I could have choose differently. However, like most of us, I was raised with a sacrifice mentality. It's what you're suppose to do if you cared about someone. Looking at it a Lil more deeper the way my momma suggested, we're suppose to take from self(sacrifice)and give to someone else so that they are happy. In return you'll be happy because they mm, naw. Hind site, that's some b.s. I'm sorry it's straight b.s. I'm really not having a warm and fuzzy feeling, if I'm taking from me, imma just fake it and act humble towards the situation.I mean I'm jus saying. If I gave freely, then I'm happy. Moving on.......... the recipients of my lack of self love were being totally loving of self i.e. selfish and they weren't wrong. Once I realized that I truly lacked self love, I wanted to love me more. So, I began this self love journey.(I'm loving it!) See, I've often said "that I love me" but I had to question it. If I did love me would I have allow others or even myself to treat me wrongly or unfair. I wanted and still desire to feel what it really means to love me, when I say "I love me". I wanna feel it intrinsically. I made me first,right after the most high. I no longer make sacrifices for no one, period. If it takes away from me, which is a sacrifice, I'm not gonna be able to do it.....Sorry. I take care of me. I'm the only one who will make sure I'm getting what I deserve, what I need and what I want. I don't depend on some else to do the "Right Thing" for me, anymore. Give me "whats do" to me,that concept is dated and ridiculous.......HA! lol. Understand that I strive to do everything in a loving way. It's not acceptable for me to be malicious or spiteful ever. Now, if you ask of me and I am able to give or do whateva the case maybe, I will do and give generously without hesitation. Self love and selfish are interchangeable to me because i don't operate with ill intentions. When someone says to me, "you're selfish" i respond with "thank you, I'm glad you notice that i love me" :)
I'm still on my journey loving me more everyday. I like the me I see in the mirror.
Question: Are you selfish? Should you be? Self love is divine, it's a GREAT thing.

Jus Love
Michelle Madison

Monday, January 11, 2010

New Beginnings

Today is the first day of my,Jus Love, blog. Where do I begin? What is this blog about? Why am I blogging anyway? I suppose, telling a little something about me, would be an appropriate start and possibly answer some questions. This blogging thingy is something new for me, it's a new beginning, a new journey. I've come to blogging to share my thought with like minded individuals as well as the opened minded and anyone that would like to journey with me. I often share with my friends and family my opinions in hope to offer a solution and/or guidance in a particular situation, but only when asked. I'm not the be all, I don't claim to know everything and hell, I don't have really any answers. More than likely "YOU" already have the answer, If you know what I mean. What I do know is that i wish to share my past, present and future journey with all in hopes to help love ones. Follow, are my love ones, everyone that reads my blog and further more all that exist in this universe. See what I have come to understand that there really is no you and me. We are not separate, we are all apart of the oneness. There is only one, so what I do, say and think ultimately affect you and vice versa. I am my brother/sister keeper and i love it.

I desire to add more love and light to all. I desire to focus on the positive, to uplift and motivate. I am forever expanding and evolving . I am constantly seeking new ways and paths to obtain more peace and harmony. I live in the moment as much as i can understanding that is all that really matter on a certain level.........I offer love.

Jus Love
Michelle Madison

Its all Love 20 10

The closing of 2009 was simply wonderful. I spent time with my family, did some reflecting, soul searched and made new moon wishes. I brought closure to many situations that needed it and clarification to others. I'm so excited about 2010 and what it offers me not because i have these great new years resolutions but because i am stepping into the anew. I have this burst of energy that's driving me in a more definite direction. Love is the catalyst, love of self, love of you and love for the universe. I see me more clear than ever. My exuberance is kid like, i'm free. I'm creating more daily. Flowing and allowing, giving more to me than ever before. Allowing my passions the true opportunity to breath and expand, thus i expand. I'm high on life for no damn reason at all other than, i'm happy to be alive, truly alive. I recognize the difference. I'm in the right now frame of mind. There's no reason to wait. Really has there ever been a reason to wait? naw. Right now is right now and there will never be a moment like that now. So, why wait for the next now when you can take advantage of right now. I love me some me right now. I'm gratefully and blissfully evolving as I complete another chapter. I've already began the next chapter. I'm all in, as the song by Roxie Hart smoothly plays in my head, "I play to Win".

Jus Love Michelle Madison